Account type | Pro |
Symbol | BRK.B |
Name | Berkshire Hathaway Inc. stocks CFD |
1 Pip Size | 0.01 |
Size of 1 lot | 100 contracts |
Avg. spread (pips) | 19 |
Spread per lot, $ | 14 |
Swap short (%) | -3 |
Swap long (%) | -6 |
Fixed leverage | 1:5 |
Hedged margin | 50% |
Minimum contract size (lot) | 0.01 |
Contract size minimum increment (lot) | 0.01 |
Minimum price increment (tick size) | 0.01 |
Swapfree commission (per 1 lot) | 8 USD |
The time of trading session | 16:31-22:59 |
Term currency | USD |
3-days swap | Friday |